“Every problem has its solution. The challenge is where to find it.”
- Noel Clarasó
"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking."
- Voltaire
To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask?"
- Jim Rohn
About Life4Earth Global
Life4Earth Global was founded by a group of educators and IT professionals whose personal friendships go back decades. Their objective has been to build a global platform that helps the world discover and spread solutions to the world's most pressing problems and then mobilize the right people and organizations to take action. The founders, management team, partners, and experts are confident that Life4Earth will enable people at all levels of the global community to contribute to and benefit from needed essential changes so we can all thrive together now and in the future. We are committed to ensuring the integrity of the platform, its content, and user engagement serve to bring the world together.

Empower the world to solve the problems we face - together
Life4Earth is a new social media platform with a mission: To empower the world to solve the problems we face - together. The platform provides four main catalysts to help all members of our society to move us to a sustainable future. Each feature is designed to increase Awareness, improve Ability, encourage Assistance, or provide the Incentives to undertake profound Change. Life4Earth tracks and cross-references Problems, their potential Solutions, the Individuals and Organization who can help correctly apply those solutions, and the Communities that need help solving their problems. The platform does this without tracking or selling your personal data. Contact information is only used if you want other users to find you or your businesses.
Strategic Partners
ILA Englischool
Our World in Data
Rotary Clubs International
World Benchmarking Alliance
Rollout Plan
Phase I: Beta Test
We are have completed beta testing the initial version of our platform.
Phase II: Project Activation
We are now live with our pilot customers who have load and monitor projects using the system. They have invited their stakeholder to monitor existing and proposed projects and review previous projects. In the second stage of this phase, sponsors will be able to monitor the performance of the projects they have funded or are considering funding to ensure maximum impact of their investment and increase the likelihood of timely success.

Phase III: Problems and Solutions
NGOs, academics, solution suppliers, and other experts will be invited to load problem definitions and their available solutions into the platform. Solutions will be linked to one or more problems they can solve and will provide context when they are (and when they are not) appropriate.
Phase IV: Public Launch
With the system populated with initial content, the general public will be invited to join Life4Earth. As a public user, you can view Life4Earth content that is shared outside the platform, but you’ll get much more out of the experience with a personal account as a member of your community. Don’t worry. It’s free and we don’t track or sell your personal data. You will also be able to create your own projects or help existing projects succeed by donating money, offering materials, lending/renting tools, or volunteering time.
Our Team